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Exponential Technologies is a full-service I/T    consultancy providing custom software development, strategy creation, network design and implementation, and software support services.

About Exponential Technologies

Exponential  Technologies focuses on building and integrating technical business solutions so that they complement and enhance existing business practices which in turn lead to further business opportunities for our clients to evaluate and act upon.

Our flexible business practices, technology expertise and emphasis on transitioning skills to customers as part of every engagement differentiate us from our competitors.

Exponential provides a full range of information technology project services from custom software development to system integration and migration to complete project management. 

We are dedicated to providing dependable consulting services and business solutions that meet or exceed the needs of our clients in a timely manner and within budget requirements.

We build long-term relationships with our clients based on trust rather than technology dependence.

How can Exponential help you and your organization with achieving your business goals?

  • Customized Software Development Services
  • Enable knowledge sharing across your organization using Internet and/or Intranet sites
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions
  • Customized Scalable e-Commerce Development Services
  • Network Design and Installation
  • Custom End-User and Development Software Training
Company History

Founded in May of 1998, Exponential Technologies has been delivering custom business information solutions to large and mid-sized companies in various industries. As a boutique technical consultancy, Exponential's focus is on customer satisfaction and technical excellence.

Exponential's president, Jeffrey Ring, has over twenty-five years of industry experience ranging from web-based, microcomputer and mainframe applications development to advanced technology research to authorship of standards and techniques documentation.  Prior to founding Exponential, Mr. Ring served as a project manager and senior consultant for Metamor Technologies, Kraft General Foods and Discover Card Services.  Jeffrey has an Executive M.B.A. with specialization in People and Project Management from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management (Lake Forest, IL) and a M.S. in Computer and Information Sciences with specialization in Artificial Intelligence from DePaul University (Chicago, IL).

Exponential recognizes our clients have a wide diversity of technical environments.  At Exponential, we see technology as a generator of new opportunities.  Current technology must be adequate to manage a business, and a company must be able to anticipate how new technologies will shape its market, how it will affect its people and its organization, and what new market opportunities will be created.  Through usage of established and emerging technologies and methodologies from vendors such as Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Macromedia and IBM, Exponential is positioned to help our clients act on the endless opportunities that these new technologies can unleash.

Our core competencies include ::
  • Client-Server Application Development

  • Web-Based Application Development: develop web software solutions that interact with site visitors in positive ways

  • Software Integration: create links between existing software packages to reduce data redundancy and increase operational efficiency

  • Strategic Planning: uncover needs that support core business objectives; create obtainable goals for the Internet channel

  • Interaction Design: design websites that are effective in helping visitors achieve their goals

  • Project Management: liaise between the client and the development team in order to bring all project development efforts to fruition

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